Wednesday, July 05, 2006


so the sensacist splashed it hard this weekend and by hard i mean belly of the beast, people. i am talking meatpackers, tribecz, you name it, i was disgusted by it. on monday i had a date with a lovely young gentleman who i met at a birthday dinner, actually he is kind of an asshole and a total pony fiend but that is neither here nor there. anyway, we started with cocktails at the luscious hotel gansevoort (pictured above) and let me tell you this place is trash. from the outside it looks as if it was designed by some half blind retarded 4 year old miami beach low rent frank gehry. inside was less than impressive, the people were not particulary attractive, the service could have been better but the view from the roof is stunning and after 3 cocktails in 20 minutes i was up for anything. that anything was the illustrious soho house located across the street! i can't tell you much about my experience here except for the fact that i was trashed and asked our homosexual waiter if he had chopsticks that i could eat my summer salad with "goats" not goat, people, "goats cheese". trash.

anyway, after the roof, we retired to the club room where i drank chivas and looked bored. this lasted for god knows how long, at this point i had lost track of time and came to on our way to APT which was shockingly boring and filled with 19 year olds and people you know where i am going with this: EVERYTHING IS OVER...everything is lame. what is real anymore? i can't tell you but i can tell you that nyc is pretty much dunzo so either remake it in your image as i might do in about 15-20 years or run screaming.


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